          GCI(东莞市格西检测仪器有限公司,原Geecise公司,成立12周年后更为"GCI"),为adidas、NIKE…以及国内外知名品牌之产品及其周边的产品的检测提供设备和技术服务。并为纺织品类、印染类、鞋类鞋材类、汽车内饰、皮革、橡胶塑胶等 行业的品管实验室与在线测量提供符合 Nike、AATCC、ASTM、BS、EN、ISO、DIN、GB、JIS、M&S、SATRA等标准之检测仪器、标准耗材、高精度实验室电子天平和各类检测仪表。适用于染整检测、缩水率测试、各类色牢度测试等等。
         In the world of sporting goods, adidas has always represented a special status symbol, which some people call "the three lines of victory". Since its establishment in 1948, adidas has helped countless athletes to create good results and achieved many great achievements. Therefore, Adidas can also be said to be the best example of a collection of people's trust and respect. As we all know, especially in the world of football, adidas has received more support than any other sporting goods manufacturer.
         Adidas products have undergone a series of repeated tests and tests. In recent years, Adidas products have not only made new breakthroughs in design and function, but also set off another trend in the fashion trend with the representative three line design concept, sweeping the current young new generation, forming a new fashion style, leading the global sports goods to a more diversified vision.

         GCI (Dongguan GCI Testing Instrument Co., Ltd., formerly GEECISE company, is "GCI" after the 12th anniversary of its establishment) As well as domestic and foreign well-known brands of products and its surrounding products testing, provide equipment and technical services. In addition, it also provides online testing equipment for all kinds of industrial standards, such as GB & Bs, textile, ABS, ABS, etc. Suitable for dyeing and finishing test, shrinkage test, all kinds of color fastness test and so on.
2019090323272568.jpg      公司秉承“科技创造未来,宏创与尔共进”的宗旨,以“精诚合作、互惠互利”的经营理念。为所有汇也用户提供优质的产品和良好的技术服务,真诚的与海内外客户紧密合作。 

      The company adhering to the "Science and technology to lead the future,  HongChuang also works with you" the purpose of "sincere 



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联系人:陈先生     邮箱:Janray@163.com
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